December 5, 2008



We're getting married anyway

To the Editors:

In responding to the passage of Proposition 8, let us remind ourselves and others of the freedom of speech and freedom of religion which we have not lost.

The first thing to do is to tell everybody

that we will be using the word "marriage" anyway because so-called "defense of marriage" laws only prevent the use of the word in legal documents. Any same-sex couple can still call themselves married whenever they feel like doing so as long as their doing so does not constitute legal fraud. In no jurisdiction in the United States

communitygroups Cleveland Pride joins world association

by Todd Saporito

Cleveland Cleveland Pride has is now a full member of InterPride, the International Association of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Coordinators.

Cleveland Pride's significant involvement and investment in InterPride demon-

Cleveland Pride

strates its commitment to bein a part of a worldwide solution meeting LGBT and questioning communities. Developing relationships beyond city, state and country borders will place Cleveland on the queer world map.

InterPride is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes. InterPride promotes pride on an international level by conducting educational programs for the LGBTQI community, educating the general public towards a better and

more accurate understanding of homosexuality, bisexuality, transgender identity and intersex identity, facilitating networking on promoting and producing Pride Events and related educational events, empowering and supporting Pride organizations and holding the Annual World Conference. Todd Saporito, board president and CEO

of Cleveland Pride, was elected Region 4 representative on InterPride's board of directors. His term expires in 2010. The InterPride board is comprised of an executive committee and 13 regional directors.

Besides Ohio, Region 4 includes Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin.

For more information on Cleveland Pride, go to www.clevelandpride.org. To learn about InterPride, log onto www.interpride.org. ✓


Todd Saporito is the president of Cleveland Pride.

Rev. Adams is Archwood's new interim pastor

by Gregory Becker

Cleveland-Rev. Stephen C. Adams has joined Archwood United Church of Christ as its interim pastor, conducting his first service on November 2. Ordained in the Presbyterian Church in 1989, he has since served communities in the Western Reserve-most recently as an associate minister at Plymouth Church in Shaker Heights, which has also been in an interim period—and as a parish associate at the Old Stone Church downtown.

In his pastoral roles, Adams has addressed Open and Affirming initiatives, Bible study and educational opportunities for adults and serviceoutreach programs for youth. He served as a chaplain for the Cleveland Clinic, and provided spiritual counseling at the Ireland Cancer Center and Hospice of the Western Reserve. He is a member of the Professional Advisory Board at the Gathering Place, where he leads a monthly spirituality group.

Adams is also a Healing Touch practitioner, and has used this gift both

United Church of Christ

tural diversity and healing touch.

in his ministry and his spiritual counseling. He has lectured nationally and internationally on the topics of spiritual care, grief and loss, cul-

At Archwood, he will use his gifts to focus on worship and pastoral care, within the broader meaning of pastoral care as support of, and interaction with, a congregation to promote healing and wholeness-congregationally and individually. He visited Archwood and participated in worship as a guest minister during Rev. David Bahr's tenure. He speaks well and movingly of Archwood's "awesome" spirit and looks forward to walking with the congregation on its interim journey.

As a musician and trained vocalist he has also assisted in music worship in his pastoral assignments, and sings with Park Synagogue as well as the North Coast Men's Chorus and the Coastliners. He is, as well, an artist who enjoys creating with stained glass and painting.

He lives in Cleveland Heights with his partner, H. Bruce Blonder, who works with housing development and investments, and also enjoys the hands on work of renovating their home.

Gregory Becker is the administrative assistant for Archwood United Church of Christ, 2800 Archwood Ave. in Cleveland.

can same-sex couples be prosecuted for fraud for saying that they are married in the eyes of God.

"Eyes of God" marriage is just as easy to say as "common-law marriage," and I suggest that we use this phrase frequentlyespecially when confronting opponents of same-sex marriage who cite religious grounds. Let us point out to everybody that supporters of "defense of marriage" laws have been hoodwinking themselves -because such laws do not actually do the main thing they want done. They do not actually prevent same-sex couples from being referred to as "married."

Same-sex couples who live in "defense of marriage" jurisdictions should be referred to as couples "with marriages legally unrecognized," not as couples "who cannot be married." Whether or not something exists in the real world and whether or not it is recognized legally are two different things. The most famous example of a legally unrecognized marriage is that of Adam and Eve as presented in everybody's Bible. They are said to be man and wife when they are the only two people alive with no civil governments in existence yet.

Passing laws which say that same-sex unions will not be recognized legally as marriages makes as much sense as passing laws which say that children born out of wedlock will not be recognized legally as human beings.

Robert S. Woodward Cleveland

Center needs your help

To the Editors:

The Cleveland LGBT Center needs your help.

I am completing my second year as a member of the board of directors for the LGBT Center of Greater Cleveland. This has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. It still amazes me how a staff of ten the majority part-timers-working with an incredibly modest budget can accomplish so much. As you can imagine, the current economy is presenting even greater financial challenges that translate in budget cuts. Our ability to continue providing key services is compromised.

We need your help. Together we can continue providing key and life changing services to the homeless youth in our city; a nurturing place for our LGBT seniors to keep active, connected and appreciated; a safe place for anyone ostracized by their family because of their sexual orientation; a supportive and encouraging place for our transsexual brothers and sisters; a place where families can connect and be certain that they will be treated as equals; a safe place where a 75-year old man can, for the first time in his life, say, "I'm a gay man."

Our LGBT Center's staff goes beyond the call of duty providing their skills, resources, hard work and many long hours that surpasses anyone's expectations. Our board of directors is a working board, truly committed to provide the necessary resources and support that will allow our staff to provide much needed services. Our volunteers give endlessly from the kindness of their hearts.

Regardless of your personal affiliations, lifestyle, sporting activities, social preferences, socio-economical background, the LGBT Center is here for you, for us, for all. We are one community. We need your help. Big or small, we need your help now.

Our membership drive is in full swing and will continue through mid-December. Many of us used to be members, thought about becoming members or never thought that we all can have an impact. Your $5, $10, $25, $50, $100, $500 or any monthly contribution will allow you to become a sustaining member. Every month, your contribution will be a key factor that will allow us to continue making a difference and look into the future to find more ways to be there for all of us. You may get a phone call, you may see us in the community or simply go to our website at www.lgbtcleveland.org and become a sustaining member today. Mercedes Noble-Reyes Board of Directors The LGBT Center of Greater Cleveland



Publishing the News of Ohio's LGBT Community since 1985 Volume 24, Issue 12 Copyright©2008. All rights reserved. Founded by Charles Callender, 1928-1986 Published by KWIR Publications, Inc. ISSN 1070-177X

Managing Editor: Patti Harris Associate Editor: Brian DeWitt

Staff Reporters: Anthony Glassman, Eric Resnick Reporters & Writers:

Kaizaad Kotwal, Bob Roehr, Rex Wockner

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The Gay People's Chronicle is dedicated to providing a space in the Ohio lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender community for all of its members to communicate and be involved with each other. This means that every Chronicle, to the best of its ability, will be equally dedicated to both men's and women's issues, as well as issues that affect the entire community. This balance will provide lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people with a forum to air grievances and express joys.

The Gay People's Chronicle is copyrighted under federal law. Any reproduction of its contents is prohibited unless permission is obtained.

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